Flash floods
Typhoon Utor - July 2001, Philippines
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:44. Windstorms – Flash floods – Landslide – UtorStart date: 04/07/2001
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Glide number: ST-2001-000319- PHL
On 4 July 2001 Typhoon Utor hit northern Luzon triggering landslides and floods affecting 14 provinces and 7 cities. Baguio City and Benguet province were worst hit by 140 km h winds and torrential rains[1],[2]. fn1. ReliefWeb. 2001. Philippines - Typhoon Utor OCHA Situation Report No. 1. ht...read more
Typhoon Skip - November 1988, Philippines
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:44. Windstorms – Flash floods – Landslide – SkipStart date: 07/11/1988
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On 7 November 1988, Typhoon Skip struck the Philippines with wind speeds reaching 175 km h, and torrential rains triggering landslides and floods. Most severely affected were the national capital, Southern Tagalog, Bicoland and Western Visayas, where a total of 45,000 people were left homeless. ...read more
Typhoon Peggy - July 1986, Philippines
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:43. Windstorms – Flash floods – Landslide – Peggy - GadingStart date: 09/07/1986
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Typhoon Gading (Peggy) struck the regions of Ilocos, Central Luzon, Southern Tagalos and Metro Manila with 170 km h winds on 9 July 1986 triggering floods and landslides and affecting close to two-thirds of a million people. fn1. ReliefWeb. 1986. Philippines Typhoon Jul 1986 UNDRO Information Re...read more
Hurricane Mitch - October 1998, El Salvador
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:31. Windstorms – Flash floods – Floods – LandslideStart date: 30/10/1998
End date:01/11/1998
Glide number: ---
Hurricane Mitch began as a tropical depression in the Caribbean Sea on 21 October 1998. By the 26th the storm has become a Category 5 hurricane with maximum windspeeds of 290 km/h[1]. Hurricane Mitch struck El Salvador (and other Central American countries) on the night of 30 October becoming...read more
Hurricane Liza - September 1976, Mexico
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:30. Windstorms – Flash floods – LizaStart date: 29/09/1979
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Category 4 Hurricane Liza struck west Mexico on 29 September 1976 with windspeeds of up to 225 km/h. Torrential rains triggered flash floods close to La Paz city in the northern state of Baja California Sur. fn1. Wikipedia. 2007. Hurricane Liza (1976) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Liza...read more
Hurricane Kenna - October 2002, Mexico
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:30. Windstorms – Flash floods – Landslide – KennaStart date: 26/10/2002
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Glide number: ST-2002-000669- MEX
Hurricane Kenna struck the west Mexican state of Nayarit as a category 3 storm on 26 October 2002 with windspeeds reaching 225 km/h[1],[2]. The states worst affected were Nayarit, Jalisco and Sinoloa y Colima. The majority of casualties were as a result of falling trees, electric posts and windows...read more
Floods - October 1998, El Salvador
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:29. Floods – Flash floods – Windstorms – MitchStart date: 24/10/1998
End date:05/11/1998
Glide number: ---
Intense rainfall associated with Hurricane Mitch flooded 65,000 hectares of land. The area around the town of Chilanguera near San Miguel was struck by a flash flood that claimed 126 lives. fn1. Araniva de Gonzalez, A.E. 2004. Social perspectives on hazards and disasters in El Salvador. Geologic...read more
Flood - July 1996, Iran
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:22. Floods – Flash floodsStart date: 12/07/1996
End date:16/07/1996
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Flash floods in the first week of July 1996 affected 153 villages in 14 shahristans (equivalent of counties) in NW Iran including Tabriz, Mianeh, Marand, Maragheh, Djulfa, Bostanabad, Shabestar, Kalibar, Maco, Khoy and Oromiych. fn1. ReliefWeb. 1996. Iran - Flash Floods Situation Report No. 1, ...read more
Flood - 1988, Bangladesh
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:15. Floods – Flash floods – storm surgeStart date: 20/08/1988
End date:03/10/1988
Glide number: ---
The initial flood (that began in late 1987 and continued throughout 1988) was caused by the synchronisation of peak flow of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers. All four types of flood (storm surge flood, rain flood, flash flood and riverine flood) that occur in Bangladesh contributed to the ...read more