Mudslides - October 2005, El Salvador
Submitted by Tina Hyde on Fri, 16/03/2007 - 01:38. Mud slide – Floods – WindstormsStart date: 03/10/2005
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On 3 October 2005, heavy rain associated with Tropical Storm Stan triggered mudslides that claimed 23 lives to the south and west of the capital San Salvador. fn1. ReliefWeb. 2005. Mudslides, rain kill 35 in Central America. more
Floods - August 2001, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Tue, 13/03/2007 - 03:32. Floods – Landslide – WindstormsStart date: 01/08/2001
End date:02/08/2001
Glide number: FL-2001-000407- IDN
The Indonesian island of Nias, off the west coast of Sumatra, was hit by a storm bringing intense rainfall and triggering landslides. In some areas, floodwaters rose to six metres forcing 697 people out of their homes. Worst affected was the subdistrict of Lahusa. fn1. ReliefWeb. 2001. Floods more
Landslides - February 2007, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Mon, 19/02/2007 - 17:33. Landslide – WindstormsStart date: 17/02/2007
End date:18/02/2007
Glide number: LS-2007-000026- IDN
At least 13 people buried alive in two landslides in the Central Java hill town of Magelang and in the West Java regency of Sukabumi. Search operation were hampered by heavy rain and a lack of equipment. Seven bodies were pulled out of earth, and three of the 10 people buried in the landslide had more
Landslides - September 1995, Cameroon
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:33. Landslide – Earthquakes – WindstormsStart date: 05/09/1995
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On 5 September 1995 a swarm of 57 landslides occurred at Bafaka in Cameroon. Intense and continuous rainfall lasting for three days and an earthquake registering IV on the Mercalli Intensity Scale, were thought to have been the trigger. fn1. Ayonghe, S.N, Mafany, G.T, Ntasin, E & Samalang, P. more
Landslides - October 1998, El Salvador
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:32. Landslide – Floods – WindstormsStart date: 24/10/1998
End date:05/11/1998
Glide number: ---
Many landslides were triggered across the whole of El Salvador as a result of intense rainfall associated with Hurricane Mitch. A landslide at El Zompopera destroyed about 50 m of road and the only school at the settlement of El Pinar. fn1. Crone, A.J, Baum, R.L, Lidke, D.J, Sather, D.N.D, more
Landslides - August 1999, Bangladesh
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:32. Landslide – WindstormsStart date: 11/08/1999
End date:13/08/1999
Glide number: ---
Heavy, intense rainfall triggered two big landslides on 11 and 13 August 1999; one in Bandarban and one in Chittagong. 11 villages were affected by the 11 August landslide at Bardarban while the 13 August slide crushed two houses and claimed the lives of the residents. fn1. Karim, M.F and MJ more
Landslide - September 1982, El Salvador
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:32. Landslide – WindstormsStart date: 19/09/1982
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On the 18 and 19 of September 1982, up to 23cm of rain across the country contributed, on the 19 September to the displacement of 200,000 m3 of debris from the western flank of the San Salvador volcano. 500 lives were lost and 2400 made homeless. fn1. Bommer, J.J & Rodriguez, C.E. 2002. more
Landslide - July 2003, Cameroon
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:32. Landslide – WindstormsStart date: 20/07/2003
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On 20 July 2003, a landslide occurred in Wabane district, 400 km from the capital of Yaounde in south Cameroon. The landslide, probably triggered by heavy rains killed 25 and injured many with at least 100 made homeless. fn1. ReliefWeb. 2003. Cameroon: Landslide OCHA Situation Report No. 1 more
Floods - September 1998, Mexico
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:29. Floods – Landslide – Windstorms – EarlStart date: 08/09/1998
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In September 1998, tropical storm Earl swept across southern Mexico bringing heavy rains to the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas. The rainfall from the storm totalled 175mm on 8 September and 130mm the following day, triggering many landslides. The cities of Motozintla and Pijijiapan were the most more
Floods - October 2005, El Salvador
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:29. Floods – Mud slide – WindstormsStart date: 03/10/2005
End date:16/10/2005
Glide number: FL-2005-000171- SLV
On 3 October 2005, heavy rains caused El Salvadors largest river, the Lempa to overflow. The heavy rains also triggered mudslides that took 23 lives. fn1. ReliefWeb. 2005. Mudslides, rain kill 35 in Central America. more