Mudslides - October 2005, El Salvador
Submitted by Tina Hyde on Fri, 16/03/2007 - 01:38. Mud slide – Floods – WindstormsStart date: 03/10/2005
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On 3 October 2005, heavy rain associated with Tropical Storm Stan triggered mudslides that claimed 23 lives to the south and west of the capital San Salvador. fn1. ReliefWeb. 2005. Mudslides, rain kill 35 in Central America. http://reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/8b7d095431371f6e852567cb008396bb/5e826...read more
Landslides - August 1989, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Tue, 13/03/2007 - 03:34. Landslide – FloodsStart date: 01/08/1989
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On 1 August 1989, an earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale occurred at 15:00 local time in Irian Jaya district, triggering a landslide that blocked the Baliem River causing flooding upstream that inundated three villages. 200 people required evacuation. fn1. ReliefWeb. 1989. Indonesia...read more
Landslides - October 1992, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Tue, 13/03/2007 - 03:34. Landslide – FloodsStart date: 08/10/1992
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Following two weeks of heavy precipitation, a major landslide occurred in Tasikmalaya (central/western Java) on 8 October. Further floods and landslides were triggered across the region. fn1. ReliefWeb. 1992. Indonesian Landslides Oct 1992 UN DHA Information Reports 1-2 http://www.reliefweb.int...read more
Landslides - November 2000, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Tue, 13/03/2007 - 03:33. Landslide – FloodsStart date: 25/11/2000
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On 25 November, heavy rains triggered several landslides in the provinces of West Sumatra and Aceh, with The Pesisir Selatan district in western Sumatra worst affected. fn1. ReliefWeb. 2000. Indonesia: Landslides Information Bulletin No. 4 http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/RWB.NSF/db900SID/ACOS-64BM...read more
Landslides - April 2003, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Tue, 13/03/2007 - 03:33. Landslide – FloodsStart date: 31/03/2003
End date:02/04/2003
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Tropical cyclone Inigo caused flooding that triggered landslides affecting the districts of Sikka, East Flores and Ende in the East Nusa Tenggara province. fn1. ReliefWeb. 2003. Indonesia – Landslides OCHA Situation Report No. 3 http://wwww.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/AllDocsByUNID/1281e89b0...read more
Typhoon Xangsane - September 2006, Philippines
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:44. Windstorms – Floods – Landslide – XangsaneStart date: 27/09/2006
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Glide number: TC-2006-000144- PHL
Typhoon Xangsane, the thirteenth typhoon to reach the archipelago in 2006, struck the Philippines on 27 September with wind speeds in excess of 185 km h, triggering floods and landslides, causing serious damage across 21 provinces. Worst hit were the provinces of Metro Manila, Sorsogon and Albay[1],...read more
Typhoon Angela - November 1995, Philippines
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:43. Windstorms – Floods – AngelaStart date: 02/11/1995
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Typhoon Angela battered the Philippines with 250 km h winds on 2 November 1995 causing massive destruction and more than 800 deaths, mainly due to extensive flooding, and leading to the evacuation of 137,854 people. fn1. ReliefWeb. 1995. Philippines - Typhoon Angela Information Report No. 4 http...read more
Typhoon Durian - November 2006, Philippines
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:43. Windstorms – Floods – Mud slide – DurianStart date: 30/11/2006
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Glide number: TC-2006-000175- PHL
Category 4 Typhoon Durian struck the area of Catanduanes in eastern Philippines on 30 November 2006 with windspeeds in excess of 225 km/h[1]. 13 provinces were affected and 101,465 people were evacuated[2]. The torrential rains triggered many mudslides and dislodged tons of volcanic debris fro...read more
Tsunami - May 1960, Chile
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:43. Tsunamis – FloodsStart date: 22/05/1960
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On the 22 May 1960, a moment magnitude 9.5 earthquake struck 10 km off the coast of Chile triggering a Pacific-wide tsunami which killed 61 people in Hawaii and 122 in Japan. In Chile, rivers channelled the tsunami inland, with the town of Queule (1.2 km inland) badly damaged by 4 m high waves....read more
Tsunami - October 1780, Jamaica
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:43. Tsunamis – FloodsStart date: 03/11/1780
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On 3 October 1780 along the south coast of Jamaica, a sea wave rose to a height of 3 metres at a distance of 0.8 km from the coast, destroying houses and claiming at least 10 lives. Because, however, an earthquake and a hurricane occurred simultaneously it is uncertain whether this was a tsunami or...read more