Tambora eruption - April 1815, Indonesia
Submitted by Tina Hyde on Wed, 14/03/2007 - 22:58. Volcanic activity – Tsunamis – TamboraStart date: 05/04/1815
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Following several centuries of repose, small ash clouds were observed at Tambora on Sumbawa island in 1812. On 5 April 1815, the first serious eruption began, lasting for 2 hours. A second major explosion on 10 April lasted for approximately 3 hours with a discharge rate estimated at 3 x 108 kg s-...read more
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M 7.2 Earthquake - June 1994, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Tue, 13/03/2007 - 03:28. Earthquakes – TsunamisStart date: 02/06/1994
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At 01:17:34 local time on 2 June, a Surface Magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck 200 km south of the eastern Java Coast at a depth of 18 km[1],[2]. Strong shaking was felt across Bali and central-eastern Java as far east as the island of Sumbawa and a large tsunami was triggered. More than 2000 aftersho...read more
» 450 reads
M 7.5 Earthquake - December 1992, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Tue, 13/03/2007 - 03:28. Earthquakes – TsunamisStart date: 12/12/1992
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On 12 December at 05:29 a.m. local time, an earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale occurred just north of Flores Island, 80 km north-north-east of Ende[1],[2]. The earthquake occurred at a shallow depth (between 9 and 15 km), and triggered a devastating tsunami that struck Flores and the sma...read more
» 1436 reads
M 9.3 Earthquake - Decemer 2004, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Tue, 13/03/2007 - 03:25. Earthquakes – TsunamisStart date: 26/12/2004
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On 26 December 2004 at 00:58:49 (UTC) an earthquake with Moment Magnitude 9.3 struck offshore, close to the northwest coast of Sumatra. This was the largest seismic event since the great Alaskan earthquake of 1964, and triggered an ocean-wide tsunami that claimed more than 230,000 lives in 15 countr...read more
» 3527 reads
Krakatau eruption - August 1883, Indonesia
Submitted by administrator on Tue, 13/03/2007 - 03:19. Volcanic activity – Tsunamis – KrakatauStart date: 27/08/1883
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Before the 1883 eruption, the island of Krakatau (located in the Sunda Strait that separates Java and Sumatra) was made up of three cones: Perbuatan, Danan and Rakata[1]. Renewed activity, following close to 1,500 years of repose, started in May and was centred on the 100-m cone of Perbuatan. On 27...read more
» 8627 reads
M 8.4 Earthquake - August 1906, Chile
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:40. Earthquakes – TsunamisStart date: 17/08/1906
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On 17 August 1906 at 00:40 UTC a Richter magnitude 8.4 earthquake struck Chile with an epicentre near Valparasio triggering a 1.5 m tsunami that struck the coast. Thousands of people were killed and buildings close to the epicentre were severely damaged. fn1. Okal, E.A. 2005. A re-evaluation of ...read more
» 2433 reads
M 9.5 Earthquake - May 1960, Chile
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:40. Earthquakes – TsunamisStart date: 22/05/1960
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On 22 May 1960 a massive earthquake with a moment magnitude of 9.5 struck 10 km offshore of southern Chile at a depth of 33 km[1]. During the earthquake, the South American Plate lurched by as much as 18.2 m relative to the subducting Nazca plate across an area 966 km long and 161 km wide[2]. The ...read more
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M 8.1 Earthquake - September 1985, Mexico
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:39. Earthquakes – Tsunamis – Mexico CityStart date: 19/09/1989
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On 19 September 1985 a Richter magnitude 8.1 earthquake struck Mexico City at 7:18 am, with most damage concentrated in the north, central and eastern parts of the city[1]. The damage and loss of life recorded in Mexico City were mainly as a result of population increase, the development of high ri...read more
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