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UN organisation


This game for the UN ISDR tackles the very real issue around the World of saving lives and reducing the financial impact that natural hazards cause when they turn into disasters. The aim of this game is simply to raise awareness of how disasters affect people every day and how often very simple measures can save many lives.

Inter-Agency Task Force on Disaster Reduction

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Education for disaster risk reduction is an interactive process of mutual learning among people and institutions. It encompasses far more than formal education at schools, universities, and in training courses. It involves the use of traditional wisdom and local knowledge to safeguard against natural hazards as well as the active and informed participation of the mass media.


UNOSAT is a United Nations programme created to provide the international community and developing countries with enhanced access to satellite imagery and Geographic Information System (GIS) services. These tools are used mainly in humanitarian relief, disaster prevention and post crisis reconstruction.

UNOSAT is the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme implemented in co-operation with the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS). In addition, partners from public and private organizations constitute the UNOSAT consortium.

Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

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The aim of GDACS is to provide the international disaster response community with a platform to ensure that disaster alerts and information relevant to the international disaster response is exchanged interactively in a structured and predictable manner among all concerned.

GDACS will be activated in major natural, technological and environmental disasters, which overwhelm the affected country’s response capacity and require international assistance.

Humanitarian Early Warning Service

The HEWSweb service is an inter-agency partnership project aimed at establishing a common platform for humanitarian early warnings and forecasts for natural hazards. It has dedicated pages for each type of hazard; which includes drought, floods, storms, locust, volcanoes, earthquakes, weather, El Nino and other hazards.

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