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Tropical cyclone

Swiss Red Cross Cyclone Sidr Response

Swiss Red Cross Cyclone Sidr Response

Assessment after Cyclone Sidr
Peter Pichler, Country Representative
Swiss Red Cross

Tropical Cylone - November 1988, Bangladesh

Start date: 29/11/1988
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On 29 November 1988, a cyclonic storm with a core wind-speed of 160 km/h created a 5 m high storm surge that struck the Khulna coast. fn1. Khalil, G. 1992. Cyclones and Storm Surges in Bangladesh: Some Mitigative Measures. Natural Hazards. Vol. 6, pp 11-24...read more

Tropical Cyclone - October 1876, Bangladesh

Start date: 31/10/1876
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On 31 October 1876, the Bakarganj cyclone struck the districts of Chittagong, Noakhali and Bakarganj affecting an area of about 7770 km², and driving a 12 m high storm surge. fn1. Khalil, G. 1992. Cyclones and Storm Surges in Bangladesh: Some Mitigative Measures. Natural Hazards. Vol. 6, pp 11-2...read more

Tropical Cyclones - October 1960, Bangladesh

Start date: 10/10/1960
End date:31/10/1960

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During the month of October two severe cyclones struck Bangladesh. The first cyclone struck on 10 October 1960 with peak winds of 129 km/h driving a 3 m storm surge that severely affected the island of Ramgati in Noakhali. Six thousand lives were lost with 80 percent of homes destroyed on the isla...read more

Tropical Cyclone - November 1970, Bangladesh

Start date: 12/11/1970
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On 12 November 1970, the worst cyclone in living memory struck Bangladesh with maximum wind-speeds recorded at 241 km/h. A 9 m storm surge combined with a 3-4 m high tidal wave resulted in a devastating wall of water striking the country's low-lying coast[1]. The low lying islands of the Ganges ...read more

Tropical Cyclone - April 1991, Bangladesh

Start date: 29/04/1991
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On 29 April 1991 a Category 4 tropical cyclone struck the Chittagong region in SE Bangladesh with maximum windspeeds of 193 km/h[1],[2]. The cyclone was one of the most severe storms to strike Bangladesh in the twentieth century and left over 10 million people homeless. The cyclone also drove a 6 ...read more

Tropical Cyclone - May 1985, Bangladesh

Start date: 24/05/1985
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A cyclone with maximum wind-speeds of 154 km/h struck the districts of Cox's Bazar, Chittagong, Sandwip, Hatiya, Noakhali and Urir Char on the 24 and 25 May 1985. fn1. Khalil, G. 1992. Cyclones and Storm Surges in Bangladesh: Some Mitigative Measures. Natural Hazards. Vol. 6, pp 11-24...read more

Tropical Cyclones

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On average two or three cyclones strike Bangladesh every year[1]. The country is most vulnerable to cyclonic storms during the months of May and November[2]. During the last three decades, cyclones have claimed millions of lives, seriously damaged infrastructure and led to major agricultural los...readmore

Tropical cyclone threat

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Peak wind intensities are predicted to increase by 5-10 percent in parts of South Asia, due to climate change[1]. This may result in more frequent and higher intensity cyclones striking Bangladesh and the strengthening of coastal storm surges aggravating coastal flooding[2]. Furthermore, sea sur ...readmore
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