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Tsunami - April 1815, Indonesia

Start date: 10/04/1815
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On 10 April 1815, the eruption of Tambora, probably the greatest eruption of the last thousand years, generated a tsunami triggered by the entry of pyroclastic flows into the sea. At Sanggar on northern Sumbawa island, a 4 m wave destroyed many houses, while at Besuki and Surabaya a 1-2 m wave is reported to have tossed boats inland.

1 Oppenheimer, C. 2003. Climatic, environmental and human consequences of the largest known historic eruption: Tambora volcano (Indonesia) 1815. Progress in Physical Geography. Vol. 27, pp 230-259

Event overview table

No. Deaths
No. Injured
No. Affected
Houses destroyed
Houses damaged
Other damage
Economic cost