Online Hazard Database Launched by BUHRC
Online Hazard Database Launched by BUHRC
inTERRAgate needs your help!
inTERRAgate provides a framework for uploading natural hazard and risk data at a national level, together with in-country contact details for disaster first-responders. InTERRAgate was launched in March 2007, with introductory information on natural hazard threats in ten of the world’s most vulnerable nations (Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Chile, El Salvador, Indonesia, Iran, Jamaica, Mexico and the Philippines). Like the online encyclopaedia, Wikipedia, inTERRAgate is designed to be ‘owned’ by data suppliers and users, who are able to upload information and influence content. Its ultimate success will, therefore, depend upon registered data suppliers from around the world uploading textual and graphical information to supplement initial data and to expand the country portfolio.
Basic in-country contact information, targeted at disaster first responders and other appropriate national and international NGOs, is available for some of the aforementioned ten countries, and will be supplemented by inTERRAgate editorial staff in the next few months. To gain access to this content and to gain permission to submit or edit hazard information please sign up online for your free account or e-mail Tina Hyde at to have this section activated.