Rock avalanche
Rock avalanche - July 1984, Chile
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:41. Windstorms – Rock avalancheStart date: 01/07/1984
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In early July 1984 storms struck central Chile between Copiapo and Los Angeles resulting in a rock avalanche that hit the town of Los Libertadores situated on the Argentinian-Chilian border. Many roads were made impassable and rural communities left isolated. fn1. ReliefWeb. 1984. Chile - more
» 214 reads
Mass movements - 1960, Chile
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:40. Mass movement – Landslide – Mud slide – Rock avalancheStart date: 22/05/1960
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Following the great 1960 magnitude 9.5 earthquake, thousands of debris avalanches, landslides and mudflows occurred in the Andes of south-central Chile[1]. The Rio San Pedro River in the Andes located 64 km east of the city Valdivia was dammed by three large landslides raising the Lago Rinihue more
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M 7.1 Earthquake - October 1997, Chile
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:38. Earthquakes – Landslide – Rock avalancheStart date: 15/10/1997
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On 15 October 1997 a magnitude 7.1 earthquake at a depth of 60 km struck the Punitaqui region of central Chile triggering landslides and rockslides near the epicentre close to the town of Illapel[1],[2]. The earthquake caused some damage at La Serena and at Ovalle and was felt as far away as more
» 212 reads
M 5.5 Earthquake - May 2004, Iran
Submitted by administrator on Sun, 18/02/2007 - 22:33. Earthquakes – Landslide – Rock avalancheStart date: 28/05/2004
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Glide number: EQ-2004-000030- IRN
On 28 May 2004 at 05:17 pm local time, an earthquake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale struck close to the village of Baladeh, 69 km NE of Tehran. The main impact was in the provinces of Mazandaran, Qazvin and Tehran where a total of 124 villages were affected. Most of the small number of deaths more
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