Emergency Analysis 1: Satellite-Detected Active Fires in Bazar-Kurgan, Kyrgyzstan
Within the city of Bazar-Kurgan at least two separate active fire zones were detected with satellite imagery in the northern and southern sections of the city, on the east bank of the river Unkyur at 08:10 UTC (2:10 local time), 13 June 2010. These active fire locations were detected over mixed residential and commercial building areas. No active fires have been detected today (14 June 2010) as of 13:30UTC. No active fires were detected before the 12th June 2010. These fires were identified by the MODIS Aqua and Terra satellites covering the time period of 9 - 14 June 2010, and represent the detection of thermal anomalies (active fires) within a 1km2 zone. Within each square zone shown on the map below, there could be multiple separate burning objects. Although this satellite data product cannot discriminate between naturally-occurring fires and those resulting from arson or armed conflict, an assessment has been made of the chronology and spatial context of this data and it is highly probable that these detected active fire locations are directly linked to the reported civil unrest within the city of Bazar-Kurgan. Note: it is possible that not all active fires/thermal anomalies have been detected in this area because of intermittent cloud cover, limited fire size, or because the fire(s) were not active at the time of satellite data capture, thus these results could represent minimum estimates. This analysis has not yet been validated in the field. Please send ground feedback to UNITAR / UNOSAT at . Map scale for A4: 1:50,000; Projection : UTM Zone 43N ; Datum : WGS-84.
Fire Data : MODIS Aqua - Terra
Fire Processing : Un. of Maryland, NASA
Fire Dates : 9 - 14 June 2010
Elevation Data : Aster GDEM
Source : METI & NASA 2009
Satellite Imagery : DigitalGlobe 2010
Road Data : Google Map Maker
Report Analysis : UNITAR / UNOSAT
Report Production : UNITAR / UNOSAT