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Villages in Flood-Affected Areas Jhal Magsi District, Balochistan, Pakistan

This map illustrates satellite detected flood water over the affected district of Jhal Magsi, Balochistan Province, Pakistan (depicted in blue). Village site locations within 1km of detected flood water are marked in red, while those beyond 1 km are marked in green.This analysis was made using ALOS-PALSAR and Radarsat data recorded respectively on 26 June & 5 July 2007. This flood detection is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field. This map was produced through a joint collaboration among UNOSAT, WFP and ITHACA.

FLOOD ANALYSIS for Jhal Magsi District
- Total surface area of flood water = 1,167 km2
- Number of village sites within 1km of flood water = 44
- Number of village sites beyond 1km from flood water = 3
- Estimated population directly affected by the flood water = 47,000

