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May, 2009

Honduras assesses damage following powerful earthquake

Caritas Internationalis Severe flooding in the southern African state of Namibia has affected 700,000 people and left 40,000 homeless and in acute need.

Sri Lanka: Building a bright future in Batticaloa

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) - Switzerland Proud homeowners stand outside their brightly colored houses in Thetativu, Batticaloa District. The rows of bright blue, orange, green and pink houses stand out in sharp contrast to the stark, almost ...


Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 06:20:17 UTC
Lat/Lon: -17.1015/168.329
Depth: 28.8

M 5.7, Vanuatu

May 29, 2009 06:20:18 GMT

M 5.7, Vanuatu

May 29, 2009 06:20:17 GMT

Video: Quake strikes Honduras

Source: Reuters May 28. - At least four children have died from a 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Honduras, with the death toll expected to go higher. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters


Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 01:04:38 UTC
Lat/Lon: 18.3449/-106.666
Depth: 10

Big quake off Honduras kills 6, crumbles houses

Source: Reuters * Quake of 7.1 magnitude strikes just off coast

* Buildings damaged at Roatan diving resort

* Death toll might rise (Updates death toll to 6, president's comments)

By Gustavo Palencia



Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 08:24:45 UTC
Lat/Lon: 16.7302/-86.2086
Depth: 10


Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 00:58:38 UTC
Lat/Lon: -3.8573/127.537
Depth: 55.9

M 5.3, off the coast of Jalisco, Mexico

May 29, 2009 01:04:43 GMT

M 5.4, off the coast of Jalisco, Mexico

May 29, 2009 01:04:38 GMT

M 5.4, Seram, Indonesia

May 29, 2009 00:58:38 GMT

M 5.4, Seram, Indonesia

May 29, 2009 00:58:37 GMT

M 5.4, off the coast of Jalisco, Mexico

May 28, 2009 22:57:25 GMT

M 5.4, off the coast of Jalisco, Mexico

May 28, 2009 22:57:24 GMT

M 5.4, off the coast of Jalisco, Mexico

May 28, 2009 22:57:20 GMT

M 5.3, South Sandwich Islands region

May 28, 2009 21:07:47 GMT

M 5.3, South Sandwich Islands region

May 28, 2009 21:07:41 GMT

Big quake off Honduras kills 5, crumbles houses

Source: Reuters * Quake of 7.1 magnitude strikes just off coast

* Sixty houses destroyed

* Death toll might rise (Adds 25 injured, 60 houses destroyed)

By Gustavo Palencia

TEGUCIGALPA, May 28 (Reuters) - A ...

3.8 - 75.3 miles SSW of King Cove

Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 03:49:32 UTC
Lat/Lon: 54.0329/-162.948
Depth: 15.4619

3.8 - 75.3 miles SSW of King Cove

Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 03:49:32 UTC
Lat/Lon: 54.0329/-162.948
Depth: 15.4619

MOZAMBIQUE: Climate change adaptation cant wait

Source: IRIN A detailed study of the effects of climate change on Mozambique has confirmed what many experts feared:
unless immediate action is taken, the country will be overwhelmed by the impacts of cyclones, floods, droughts and disease outbreaks.


Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 08:24:45 UTC
Lat/Lon: 16.7271/-86.2129
Depth: 10


Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 08:24:45 UTC
Lat/Lon: 16.7271/-86.2129
Depth: 10

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