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July, 2008


Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 20:15:18 UTC
Lat/Lon: -59.6584/-27.819
Depth: 191.9

Floods, drug trade threaten West Africa - UN official

Source: Reuters By Doug Palmer

GENEVA, July 31 (Reuters) - A second year of severe flooding and a growing threat to regional stability from drug trafficking are compounding problems of poverty in West Africa, a ...

Ukraine parliament gives help after floods kill 30

Source: Reuters (New story after parliament backs funding)

KIEV, July 31 (Reuters) - Floods in western Ukraine have killed 30 people after five days of rain caused rivers to spill over into villages and farmland, ...

Green volcano alert: Anatahan (Northern Mariana Islands) is Erupting

On Thursday, July 31, 2008, an activity change occurred in the volcano Anatahan in Northern Mariana Islands. The volcano is Erupting with SWVRC alert level 1. Since this volcano is located in a region in which live no people in a 100 km area, the GDACS alert level is Green.

Green volcano alert: Chikurachki (Russia) is Erupting

On Thursday, July 31, 2008, an activity change occurred in the volcano Chikurachki in Russia. The volcano is Erupting with SWVRC alert level 1. Since this volcano is located in a region in which live no people in a 100 km area, the GDACS alert level is Green.

Orange volcano alert: Llaima (Chile) is Erupting

On Thursday, July 31, 2008, an activity change occurred in the volcano Llaima in Chile. The volcano is Erupting with SWVRC alert level 5. Since this volcano is located in a region in which live no people in a 100 km area, the GDACS alert level is Orange.

U.S. infrastructure needs rise as floods recede

Source: Reuters By Andrew Stern

CHICAGO, July 31 (Reuters) - A $1.6 trillion bill is coming due across the United States as governments face the daunting task of repairing roads, bridges and other parts of an aging ...

NEPAL: Heavy floods hit hundreds of families in east

Source: IRIN Heavy flooding in eastern Nepal is affecting hundreds of families, according to local NGOs. "We
haven't experienced such heavy rainfall for 20 years," Begraj Dugar, 68, from the Gobargada Village Development Committee (VDC) of Saptari District, nearly 350km south of the capital
Kathmandu, told IRIN.

Ukraine parliament examines floods after 30 dead

Source: Reuters KIEV, July 31 (Reuters) - Floods in western Ukraine have killed 30 people and prompted the evacuation of nearly 18,000, officials said on Thursday, after five days of rain caused rivers to spill over ...

M 5.3, Solomon Islands

July 31, 2008 08:07:38 GMT

M 5.1, offshore El Salvador

July 31, 2008 06:31:50 GMT

M 5.1, offshore El Salvador

July 31, 2008 06:31:49 GMT

3.6 - 42.6 km SW of Mount Vernon, WA

Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 05:02:00 UTC
Lat/Lon: 48.1613/-122.762
Depth: 55.73

3 - 42.7 km SW of Mount Vernon, WA

Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 05:02:00 UTC
Lat/Lon: 48.1608/-122.763
Depth: 53.97

Idaho Flooding

Major Disaster Declaration number 1781 declared on Jul 31, 2008

Idaho Flooding

Major Disaster Declaration number 1781 declared on Jul 31, 2008

Western Canada highway buried by boulders

Source: Reuters (Updates with details of clean-up)

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 30 (Reuters) - A small tour bus narrowly missed being crushed in a massive landslide in Western Canada that buried a highway that ...

3.51 - 22.0 miles ESE of AUSTIN-NV

Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 21:32:09 UTC
Lat/Lon: 39.3749/-116.687
Depth: 2

3.6 - 5.5 mi SE of Diamond Bar, CA

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 20:40:41 UTC
Lat/Lon: 33.9435/-117.743
Depth: 15.44

Massive landslide buries Western Canada highway

Source: Reuters (Updates, adds information on bus)

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 30 (Reuters) - A small tour bus narrowly missed being crushed in a massive landslide in Western Canada that buried a highway that ...

M 5.6, South Sandwich Islands region

July 30, 2008 20:15:18 GMT

3.8 - 3.1 mi SSE of Diamond Bar, CA

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 18:51:52 UTC
Lat/Lon: 33.9558/-117.798
Depth: 16.31

5.4 - 4.0 mi SE of Diamond Bar, CA

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 18:42:15 UTC
Lat/Lon: 33.9552/-117.765
Depth: 13.67

M 5.2, Solomon Islands

July 30, 2008 19:06:57 GMT

Massive landslide buries highway near Vancouver

Source: Reuters VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 30 (Reuters) - Emergency crews searched on Wednesday to make sure no people or vehicles were buried in a landslide that closed a Canadian highway that will play a key ...

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